Contact us to schedule your home's energy audit.

Give us a call at 973-680-1244 or email us at to discuss your home, or take a moment to fill out the contact form and we’ll call you!

Home Energy Audit

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone


    City (required)

    Zip code (required)

    Primary heating source

    OilGasPropaneElectricNot sure

    Number of heating systems

    123Not sure

    How did you hear about us?

    How long have you lived been at your current address?

    Is you home a single family house, condo or multi family dwelling?

    Single familyCondoMulti-family

    What utility company provides your gas service?

    What utility company provides your electricity?

    Do you have a heated pool or hot tub?


    Do you have central air conditioning, heat pump/mini splits, window a/c units or none?

    Central a/cHeat pumpWindow a/cNone

    Is your heating system forced hot air, hot water baseboard, steam or other?

    Forced hot airHot water baseboardSteamOther

    What are your primary concerns about your home?

    Which are you interested in improving?

    Additional thoughts or questions


    Essex County Headquarters

    Address: 179 Glenridge Avenue
    Montclair, New Jersey 07042